Natural Remedies for Fleas
Having dogs can be a wonderful, fulfilling, and loving relationship. You do fun activities together, live together, and may even sleep in the same bed. Sounds amazing right? It is, right up until you find that your dog is scratching itself more than usual. In fact, you fear that they might just have picked up fleas. How can you get rid of them? We’re here to help and recommend natural remedies for fleas to help and stop your precious pooch from scratching all day:
1. Coconut oil
Not only does coconut oil smell amazing, it can also offer your dog an array of health benefits, including getting rid of those pesky fleas. Coconut oil has lauric acid in it, which works as a natural flea prevention technique for your dog. Coconut oil can soothe flea bites, soften your dog’s coat, hydrate their skin, and get rid of fleas. You simply take out a large dollop of coconut oil and with your hands work it until it becomes softer and more of a liquid. Next, massage that onto your dog, working it well into his coat and onto his skin and they will be a big fan of this step. Then, run a comb through their fur and watch as the fleas stick to the comb. This method is best done outside, in case any of the fleas jump off before the get mixed in with the oil.
2. Apple cider vinegar
This is another great flea prevention method as well as a remedy to help rid them from your home. Did we mention it is really easy, too? Get a small spray bottle and mix together apple cider vinegar with water in a 50/50 mix. Then spray it on your dog. Some dogs will also accept it in their water. If yours doesn’t mind the taste, you can mix in a tablespoon or two into their water for extra flea protection.
3. DIY flea baths with Dawn dish soap
This is usually a favorite among pet owners since they get both a flea-free and clean dog. Using Dawn dish soap to bathe your dog will rid them of their fleas. Do not use this method on their head to avoid getting the soap in their eyes. We suggest using coconut oil on their head when using DIY flea baths that involve soap. One word of caution, Dawn dish soap can dry out your pets skin and should not be repeated too often. This method is just like giving your pooch a regular bath. Run warm bath water and place your dog in the water. Get him nice and wet, then lather with Dawn while avoiding the head area like we discussed earlier. Allow the soap to sit for a few minutes and then run a comb through his fur to loosen the fleas. Rinse as usual and you are done. Get your pup out of the tub, dried off and put the coconut oil on his head right away to keep the fleas from running back on to the rest of his body. Do keep in mind that for this natural remedy the brand of soap is critical.