How to learn English through apps

How to learn English through apps

English is a global language that people learn to love across the world which has given rise to the numerous ways in which people learn English despite their mother tongue. There are colleges and universities, which provide courses/tutorials, bachelor degree, masters degrees and also Ph.D. in the English language. Not just by taking these paths, people willing to learn English can still learn it. This has given rise in reaching self-learning apps that have come a long way. Today the English language has enabled many with escalating careers across the world. Learning English has become part of many lifestyles. If new to this language, there are translators too through which people learn the language. Some learn to know more, some to enhance skills, some to find a career and some to elevate their careers. Applications come handy to help the people interested in learning English. There are dedicated applications present for specific needs. Language learning through apps is becoming increasingly popular and efficient, due to sophisticated apps that focus on providing a language learning scenario free of cost or for a nominal price and are reaching people in different countries/ continents. Pedagogy differs from Andragogy and hence, an adult looks at and perceives a learning session a bit differently.
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The impact of technology on the youth

The impact of technology on the youth

There is no denying that technological advancements have added clarity and convenience to people’s lives to a magnificent extent. Children and youth have benefitted from informational and communication technologies the most. Their system of learning has been made more intriguing with the aid of technological devices. However, the relentless use of these gadgets has made them vulnerable to the challenges associated with technological innovations. This article investigates the positive and negative influences of technology on the younger generation. Positive effects Innovations can drive youngsters to achievement and success. Its healthy influences on the youth are: Knowledge of the outer world Online platforms and channels are the gateways to the outer world. News of events and incidents from various countries are circulated worldwide through the medium of informational technology. It enables the youth to stay abreast of the current happenings of the world, and the correct use of gadgets can transform the youth into knowledgeable people. Helps with the academics Online tutorial classes and videos give valuable assistance to students in their educational activities. Audio-visuals break the regular monotony of mainstream education and further help in higher retention of information in the brain. Even schools and colleges use interesting videos and pictures to engage the pupils in learning.
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The contributions of technology in revolutionizing the medical field

The contributions of technology in revolutionizing the medical field

The survival of human beings is based on the bedrock of proper bodily functions. A healthy body is essential to struggle and survive in life. However, people may get sick and require medical intervention for normalizing the functions of the body. In the twenty-first century, science and technology has transformed the medical field to a significant extent. Treatments for different diseases have improved and are now used to treat and cure patients. Improved medical equipment has expedited the process of diagnosis and surgery to deliver quality medical care. Significant medical innovations have been discussed in this article. The information system in healthcare Digitalization of information and data has enabled doctors and healthcare experts to have unhindered access to the recorded details of patients. It has reduced the scope of manual labor by saving time and energy that can be invested in other productive activities. The advancements made in communication technology have facilitated seamless contact with doctors. Patients can now email or call their physicians and can even share images of test reports and diagnostic pictures via the online mode of communication. Laser surgeries LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It was initially used for optical surgeries, and later, this innovation was incorporated in other branches of medical treatments.
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5 ways in which technology impacts our lives

5 ways in which technology impacts our lives

As technology advances, some or the other part of our lives gets impacted. Years of research that leads to these technological advancements is responsible for making our lives simpler. From giving access to useful information on our fingertips to increasing the protection of our homes, technology and the advancement of technology has been a boon for mankind in all sorts of ways. The role of technology in our lives has seen a paradigm of change – from luxury, it moved on to becoming a necessity. Therefore, the use of technology in our daily lives became a given thing and that is how we stopped noticing how it changed our lives for the better. So, here is going back and looking at some of the ways in which technology has impacted our lives. Technology has made communication easier and better Emails, voicemails, and social networking are some of the new age methods that have made communication a lot easier. Advancement of technology in the field of communication has eradicated the problems created by physical distances and has enhanced effective communication. These improved modes of communication have resulted in the development of not just a better person, but also professional relationships. Technology has given us better entertainment Better mobile connectivity, better Internet networks, and phones that can easily turn into great cameras are some of the examples that show us how technology impacts our lives.
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Top 4 laptops to buy under $500

Top 4 laptops to buy under $500

There’s no dearth of amazing laptops as new ones keep gracing the market almost every month. These incredible laptops are equipped with all the latest features and appeal to people’s aesthetics as well. However, the improved features and awe-inspiring designs often manifest themselves in the form of greater prices. Though these latest features might be worth all the hullabaloo that surrounds it, budget restrictions can pose as a hurdle in several cases. Due to several stringent budget restrictions, people tend to downsize their requirements and opt for low-cost laptops. This often results in compromising your expectations and settling on a laptop for the sake of it. Major laptop manufacturers have revolutionized the market by introducing budget-friendly laptops that meet the performance and price requirements of consumers. Some of the laptops that combine all the essential features at affordable prices include: Dell Inspiron i3567 (1TB HDD) One of the top affordable laptops that packs in a very good set of hardware inside is the Dell Inspiron i3567. This laptop stands apart from the standard Dell laptops’ chunky designs, which gives it a professional look and feel. This top affordable laptop is powered by the 7th-generation Intel Core i5 processor and has an 8GB RAM.
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5 unusual applications of GPS technology

5 unusual applications of GPS technology

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system made up of 24 satellites in high orbit. The satellites circle around planet Earth twice a day in their precise orbit to send and receive signals from GPS enabled devices. The technology enables multiple devices to calculate speed, bearing, track distance, starting and end points, and time to provide accurate real-time navigation data. Navigation is one of the primary purposes of using GPS technology for civilians. However, advancements in the field of satellite communication have rendered this technology feasible for some of the most unusual applications in everyday life. Tracking prescription medications Oxycodone is one of the more powerful painkillers that many pharmacies stock. It is also highly addictive and is often the target of burglaries. Interestingly, GPS is used to track and stop the active theft of addictive painkillers. Empty oxycodone bottles have trackers installed in them to help the police and pharmaceutical companies track the stolen shipments. The proprietary GPS technology is reliable as the decoys are hard to spot in a large shipment of such medications. Track people GPS technology has found its use in tracking elderly people and patients suffering from a progressive mental disorder that causes memory loss.
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Top 4 trends in the industrial sector of technology

Top 4 trends in the industrial sector of technology

The technological industrial sector is constantly growing. Since decades, it has been growing at a rapid pace. This is one of the few sectors which does not seem to become saturated, no matter how many innovative technologies come about. Every year new technological innovations are discovered or invented. So, it is important to know the latest trends in this sector to stay updated. From web development, android, smart gadgets to Artificial intelligence, the tech industrial sector is truly reaching great heights in terms of innovation. Read on to find out the latest trends in the technological industry. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is one of those fields which is rapidly developing. This field is trying to replicate or mimic human intelligence. Right from learning natural language processing to understanding complex aspects like sarcasm, it is a herculean task, but the field is progressing at a fast pace. The machines equipped with AI will be able to perform all the human tasks but at a faster pace. Anybody intending to invest or start a new entrepreneurial venture should get into this domain. This field is here to remain and will see more and more innovations in the future. Connected devices With IoT (Internet of Things) being mainstream, smart devices are no longer a thing of the future.
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Gaming consoles appropriate for children

Gaming consoles appropriate for children

The internet has definitely changed the world of gaming. People can now play with those who live miles away. Along with that, gaming consoles also allow you to perform multiple other activities online, some of which can be inappropriate for children. If you have children who want a gaming console, it is important to make an informed decision before the purchase. What to consider before buying a gaming console? There are a few factors to be considered as a parent/guardian before buying a gaming console for your dependent. They are: Age appropriateness Remember, all games have varying content; some may be PG13, but some may be inappropriate for children. Different gaming consoles are suited for varying ages, hence it is important to know the age restriction for a particular gaming console. For instance, Xbox One and PlayStation games have content best suited for teenagers and adults and not children. Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, on the other hand, have games that are suitable for young children. Parental controls setting Most gaming consoles now have direct access to the internet. Therefore, if your child is playing a video game, ensure you set parental control on it before letting them access it.
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Top 5 video gaming consoles

Top 5 video gaming consoles

Video games have been around for a little more than 50 years. However, video game consoles have evolved enormously over the years. There is so much competition in this field with different brands finding different ways to get to the top. There are various gaming consoles with varying levels of success. The top 5 video gaming consoles of all time are: Nintendo Entertainment System It goes without saying that the Nintendo Entertainment System inspired all the gaming consoles available today. Without it, gaming wouldn’t even exist. Even the brand themselves couldn’t predict the future of the company until it was a success in the market. Home gaming consoles became just as exciting as their full-sized arcade counterparts, and this was the ultimate game-changer. Super Nintendo Entertainment System Though not as special as the original, Super Nintendo (or Nintendo 2.0, if you will) was a great successor. This gaming console brought to the world better graphics with a smooth and better gaming experience and better processors. The super Nintendo entertainment system was the origin for the biggest racing franchises ever introduced into the gaming industry. PlayStation 2 Sony couldn’t have a better successor to their amazing home gaming console, PlayStation. The PS 2 gaming console is still considered as number one by many in terms of numbers, having sold more gaming consoles than any other brand.
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Tech advancements since the 20th century

Tech advancements since the 20th century

Ever since the industrial revolution took place, the economic growth throughout the globe has been driven by the scientific understanding, application of the engineering solutions and the continuous technological innovation. Presently in the country and the other nations that have industrialized have witnessed a rise in communication, transportation, health, agriculture, education, jobs, and defense. This is possible because of the investments into the education of engineers and scientists as well as in their researches. The health, engineering and scientific products have made our lives very convenient. The devices given to society by technology and science have their own share of drawbacks that have come into the society without being invited. For this, the application of the skills of the researchers was needed to come up with adequate solutions to take down many of such consequences of various innovations. For example, finding a replacement for the refrigerants that were based on the chlorofluorocarbons, finding insecticides that are safer in order to replace DDT, figuring out new waste treatment plans for minimizing the release of harmful chemical effluents from the chemical refineries and the coal power plants. Most of you believe that technological products and services are ideally meant for freeing us from major chunks of labor work, infections, dangers to property and life which were faced mostly by our forefathers in the past.
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