Causes of hair thinning to look out for

Causes of hair thinning to look out for

Your hair care routine is very important to you because everyone loves thick, long, shiny and healthy hair. Most discussed issues related to hair is hair loss. You will find loads of information on the web about hair thinning, hair loss and its treatments. An average person can lose 80 hair strands per day, but when this count increases it requires immediate attention because it can be a sign of severe hair loss or hair thinning. In this article, we are going to take an overview of various hair thinning causes. Physical stress Any kind of physical harm or stress, such as severe illness, accident, and surgery can result in temporary hair loss. Your hair strand undergoes a definite life cycle, which consists of three phases, including growth phase, rest phase, and shading face. If you face any stressful event, more hair undergoes shedding phase and consequently, hair thinning is observed. Pregnancy Pregnancy is one more example of hair thinning causes. Various patterns can be observed during pregnancy about hair loss. Changing hormonal levels is a very important factor that causes hair thinning in pregnancy. Unbalanced diet If your diet lacks a sufficient amount of protein, the possibility of hair thinning increases.
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Effective treatment options for diarrhea

Effective treatment options for diarrhea

Diarrhea is a condition that can cause loose and watery bowel motions more than three times a day. Usually, these symptoms subside on their own after a few days; if it does, this can be categorized as acute diarrhea. However, if the symptoms do not subside and if medical intervention is required, then it is known as chronic diarrhea. Getting proper treatment for diarrhea may depend on the intensity of the condition. Any of the following options could be recommended. Rehydration Rehydration is the most important treatment option in the case of any type of diarrhea. If one doesn’t drink enough amount of fluid, it could lead to dehydration; this could cause further problems. One has to replenish on fluids as one would be losing lots of fluids from the body. One can also take Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) to combat dehydration. This solution gets absorbed by the small intestine and helps recover the loss of water and electrolytes during diarrhea. According to the WHO, these salts can help rehydrate those suffering from acute and even chronic diarrhea. Besides this, there are rehydration supplements available that can be consumed after getting a prescription from the doctor. Antidiarrheal medications These medicines are also known as anti-motility medications.
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6 amazing topical creams to care for dry skin

6 amazing topical creams to care for dry skin

There can be lots of causes for dry skin but one of the most common reasons are things like a change in weather and the like. Dry skin can also be the result of dehydration. In fact, when you do not drink enough water, your skin is the first to show symptoms. Dry skin is usually a mild condition but it can increase a person’s risk of more serious skin conditions such as cellulitis, eczema and discoloration of the skin. The good news is that dry skin can be easily treated with topical creams and moisturizers. Nivea Soft Moisturizing Crème This moisturizing crème by Nivea contains vitamin E and jojoba oil. Interestingly, jojoba oil has the same molecular structure as the skin’s natural oil or sebum. The crème is available in a jar as well as a tube. The crème is dermatologically tested and can be used on the face, hands and other parts of the body. It is easily absorbed by skin and does not leave the skin feeling oily. Body Shop Oils of Life Revitalising, Sleeping Cream This night cream is infused with three different seed oils from around the world; Camellia seed oil from China, Black cumin seed oil from Egypt and Rosehip seed oil from Chile.
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The benefits of wearing braces

The benefits of wearing braces

Dentists often choose braces to treat various problems related to the teeth. It is a bridge made of steel that the dentist installs on your teeth. In major cases, braces might make you feel uncomfortable, but after they are removed you tend to get a well-shaped face. Some of the benefits of wearing braces are given below. Prevents tooth decay Tooth decay happens due to improper cleaning of the teeth. Braces help in giving your teeth proper support and helping them grow properly. Proper clean-up minimizes the chances of bacterial growth in the teeth, thus the risks of tooth decay is contained. Eradicates cavity Braces are responsible in developing adequate spaces between the teeth. Thus, the chances of developing cavities reduces. The braces in the teeth help cure many deformations that might increase the chances of cavities. Reduces gum diseases Gum diseases usually occur due to poor oral health. Braces help in maintaining oral hygiene by helping you floss and brush your teeth with ease. Thus, gum diseases rarely occur if you wear braces. Gives support to the teeth The chances of dental accidents reduces if braces are installed in your teeth. It delivers adequate support to your teeth. Braces also help in protecting teeth and gums from various injuries. It straightens your teeth, thus shaping your mouth.
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Tips to save on your next vacation

Tips to save on your next vacation

Visiting some of the top destinations of the world is a lifetime achievement that one can boast of. However, it could take time to save and accumulate the money to travel the world. You should do your research well to find some of the best deals in order to save well on your trip. Managing your wallet is of utmost importance and here’s are some effective tips to save on your next trip. Fly on weekdays Try to book your tickets on weekdays rather than on weekends. International flights to the top destinations are on a surge during weekends as everyone is on a vacation mode. If you book your flights on weekdays and during the odd hours like early morning or late at night, then there are chances that you may get discounts on the ticket fares. Early morning flights sound good as you may reach your destination well in advance so as not to feel any rush. However, book your tickets according to your time convenience as the time zone would differ around the world. It is also a wise idea to return on weekdays, maybe on a Friday, so that you get two days time for relaxation before you return to the daily grind on the next working Monday.
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4 awesome compact cameras for the travel bug in you

4 awesome compact cameras for the travel bug in you

It is said that the best way to experience life is to travel. And the best way to travel is to live in the moment. When you get back home, it is always a delight to relive these moments through the plethora of photos you clicked on your travels. To get the best of this nostalgia trip, you should always pick a high-quality camera that gives your high-resolution pictures. Moreover, when you travel, it is always better to pack things light. This is where compact cameras can be useful. Some of the best cameras are light, easy to handle, don’t take up much space, and are often packed with features that give you high-quality photos. Sony RX100 VI If you don’t like too much baggage, pack in this ultra lightweight camera with you on your next holiday. This point-and-shoot camera has an amazing 24-200mm zoom lens, incredible tilting and self-facing screen, pop-up electronic viewfinder, fast-tracking autofocus, and pop-up flash. Furthermore, it has a 20.1-megapixel 1.0-inch-type stacked CMOS sensor. It has WiFi capability along with 24 fps burst shooting mode and 4K video capability. Also, you can shoot videos in super-slow motion. You can capture about 960 frames per second with a pretty good resolution.
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Pros and cons of the Dukan diet

Pros and cons of the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is a dietary system that was popularized by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a neurologist who focused on nutrition. He was inspired by the weight loss of a friend who followed his recommendation to eliminate all foods except proteins from his diet. This diet became immensely popular after the publication of Dukan’s book The Dukan Diet and through the publicity it gained from celebrities who successfully lost weight by following this diet. However, as with most diets, the Dukan diet is not without its share of controversy and debate in terms of its benefits and faults. Here are some pros and cons of the diet. Pros The diet has a limited list of foods allowed, but there is no limit on the quantity that one can consume. This eliminates the hunger pangs that one associates with dieting. The diet is protein based, which makes it preferable to meat lovers. The diet aims to achieve significant weight loss in the first phase, which is very encouraging and motivating. The diet is planned to be a lifelong sustainable one so that one does not rebound and put on all the weight that has been lost. The diet is not very difficult to follow as food preparation is not complicated and does not call for any exotic ingredients.
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Benefits of following a sugar-free diet

Benefits of following a sugar-free diet

A sugar-free diet is one where you give up the consumption of sugar and all foods containing sugar. Sugar, although delicious, is considered harmful to one’s health. It has been shown that it causes diabetes and is a high-risk causing ingredient for obesity, heart disease, and many other health problems. The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of 9 teaspoons per day for men and 6 teaspoons for women as opposed to 17 teaspoons, which people currently consume per day. Giving up sugar altogether is a great way to become healthy. Some of the health benefits include: Helps weight loss A sugar-free diet helps lose weight. Sugar consumption actually stimulates your appetite and makes you want to eat more. Giving up sugar can help you cut down on calories. As a result, your desire to eat more reduces, helping you reduce weight. Helps to sleep well When you eat too much sugar, it slows down melatonin from being released by the brain, which affects your sleep. Also, when you are unable to sleep well, it causes your glucose levels to shoot up, making you want to eat something sweet, setting off a vicious cycle. Thus, giving up sugar is good for sleep.
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Reasons why every man should use a hair trimmer

Reasons why every man should use a hair trimmer

In this day and age, physical appearance has gained a lot of importance in an individual’s life. And of all things, one of the most important components of every adult male’s appearance is a properly groomed beard, an art frequently underestimated both in terms of time spent and skill required to do so. When it comes to hair growth, there is one question that has always been asked: Are trimmers better than razors? Even though it is hard to conclusively answer this question, there definitely are advantages to using a hair trimmer over a razor. Some of these advantages are discussed below: Hair trimmers help you make adjustments to your facial hair Let us all agree that while a nicely kept beard can look rather alluring on a man, it does need to be skilfully snipped to perfection. As is the visible trend nowadays to sport that subtle stubble, your hair trimmers are specifically designed to recreate the desired effect. Before trimmers, men would have to either go to a barbershop to get their beard trimmed neatly, or they would have to spend considerable amounts of time in front of the mirror, as they cautiously made adjustments to their facial hair.
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Safety tips for solo travelers

Safety tips for solo travelers

Solo travelers have their work cut out for them as they have to do all the planning and scheduling by themselves. Additionally, solo travelers have another important thing to take into consideration, which is safety. Safety should especially be on high priority for women going on their first solo trip. Ensuring safety in a new city or country where one does not know the people, the language, or the social norms and culture is double the hard work of ensuring safety in one’s local surroundings. Although this should not dampen the enthusiasm for a trip, one should always take extra precautions before venturing to a new place on their own. Here are some tips for solo travelers to ensure safety: One should start off their solo travel experience by visiting nearby cities in other states before going on an international trip as this will make one more confident. Also, when traveling internationally for the first time alone, visiting a country that speaks a familiar language and has an established tourist infrastructure helps. Solo travelers should always thoroughly research the place they intend to visit. Reading up on the country or city’s geography, climate, seasons, political state, cultural norms, way of dressing, scams or hoaxes, if any, is a must.
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