Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent Breast Cancer
Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis a very real fear for millions of women and men. Experts are unsure exactly what causes cancer and breast cancer is no different, but there are some known causes that can increase the risk. For one thing, researchers do know that genetics play an important factor and your risk increases significantly if you have a blood relative who has had cancer. Another factor includes lifestyle choices, such as an unhealthy diet high in processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle.
If you are concerned that you may be at high risk of developing breast cancer there are a few steps you can take to help prevent cancer. It is important to remember that these steps are not guaranteed to keep you from getting breast cancer as other factors, like a family history of cancer, can’t be changed, but you can lower your risk and hopefully live a long life cancer-free:
1. Cut back on alcohol
Research suggests that people who drink large amounts of alcohol are at a greater risk of getting breast cancer down the road. Doctors are still doing research to find out how much alcohol is safe and whether the amount varies depending on your height, weight, and age. However, the current medical suggestion is to limit yourself to one drink or less every day.
2. Do not smoke at all
Smoking is a bad idea in general as it can cause serious health issues. However, it has been shown to be linked between people who develop breast cancer, especially at a younger age. Studies suggest that premenopausal women who smoke are much more likely to develop cancer than those who don’t.
3. Watch how much you weigh
People who are overweight for their height are at a greater risk for developing breast cancer than those who have taken care to maintain a healthy weight. People who become obese later in life are particularly at a greater risk for developing breast cancer as it is harder for them to lose the weight. If you are obese, you can look for a breast cancer diet and stick to it as best uou can. A breast cancer diet can hold you accountable for eating healthy foods that can help you slim down and keep your organs as healthy as possible so you don’t run a higher risk of developing cancer.
4. Perform self exams often
One of the best things you can do to take care of yourself is to do self-exams at home. Check at least once a month and feel your breasts for any unusual lumps or bumps. You should also be on the lookout for any new discolorations on your breasts or skin changes like hardening or unusual rashes. If you notice any of these things should see a doctor immediately so tests can check for breast cancer by looking for BRCA mutations or simple hormonal imbalances.
Breast cancer is a scary disease. There are several steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer and lead a healthy long life. Unfortunately, just like many health-related issues, there are things like family history and unusual BRCA mutations that are outside of our control. However, with proper medical care and healthy lifestyle changes you can live a long life breast cancer-free.