Know if these car customizations are legal or not

Know if these car customizations are legal or not

Car customizations refer to the process of remodeling cars; both interiors and/or exterior, to suit the fancy of the owner. The industry is booming with a lot of individuals wanting to put their own personal touch to the vehicle they own, but there is a limit to the kind of customizations one can opt for. Various features are illegal in various states and some might not suit the kind of automobile you have. Read about the following car customizations and whether they are legal in your state before opting for one yourself:

  • Studded tires
    Studded tires are desired by a lot of people although it is a great cosmetic modification, it poses a risk to safety. These can make the car skid when the weather is normal and the roads are not covered in snow which is why it is banned in some states like Washington from November till March.
  • Light rig on truck roofs
    This modification is extremely popular among truck owners. But while it can look great and illuminates dark roads, it poses a safety hazard. They are known to distract the driver and can also blind the drivers behind them due to the glare. States like North Carolina have banned its use while driving on the highways.
  • Radar detectors
    Radar detectors help to tell the drivers when the cops are using radar guns to keep a check on their speed. It is illegal in Virginia and Washington DC as it obstructs the view of the driver. This car customization can also distract law enforcement officers.
  • Exhaust modifications
    All cars are sold with a noise muffler, which is placed in the rear exhaust system, to control the sound. Without them, the cars produce an extremely loud sound which can be a safety and peace hazard. Texas has no rules for loud exhaust roars whereas the limit in California is 95 decibels and for Kansas, it is 90 decibels when measured from a distance of 50 feet.
  • Neon lights
    Neon lights add glamor to the vehicle but they also distract the driver and other people on the street. Many drivers can mistake the flashing lights for a cop car and worry. It is allowed in Arizona but only in amber and white colors while blue and red neon lights are banned in Michigan.
  • Exhaust pipes with emissions
    The primary reason why this car customization is illegal is to reduce air pollution. If a car is seen to have this feature, the driver can be prosecuted under the Clean Air Act.
  • High suspension
    Many truck owners love giving their trucks that extra height with this automobile modification but it can cause damage to the truck’s suspension and makes it difficult to handle. Connecticut allows a lift of just 4 inches while Georgia has 2-inch rise limit.
  • Low suspension
    Lower suspensions increase the risk of the car base getting damaged on the speed bumps. In Georgia, there is a 2-inch restriction on low suspension and New Hampshire has a policy that no part of the car must be below the car wheels.
  • Brighter HID bulbs in headlamps
    Contrary to the belief of some drivers that it provides them with better vision at night, it causes a lot of trouble for cars coming from the opposite direction since it hinders their vision. This is illegal in the country.
  • Plate frames
    Reflective license plates with characters are banned in North Carolina as it obscures the state of origin .