Benefits of art in the form of music, books, and films
Creativity and art have many forms of expression, but narrowing down on the mainstream outlets that are largely accepted and popular would be art in the form of books for people to read, composing music for people to listen, and making movies for people to watch. Apart from the obvious pleasure any of the art forms like films, music, and books are catering to the senses and perception of the people who are exposed to them, there are also a host of other benefits, some of which are discussed here in detail: Stimulation of the mind : Studies showed positive results of the mind getting enough stimulation every day through exposure to these art forms. This stimulation can slow down the progress of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The primary reason behind this that the mind is active and engaged all the time, or at least most of the time. Spread happiness : As much as any art forms bring joy to the maker or presenter, it is also transferred to the audience when they engage themselves in it. Association with music, books, or films makes the brain release dopamine, which is referred to as the happy and feel-good neurotransmitter.
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